Absorbent Spill Response



Our Spill Response products will help keep you safe.



Folded Sweep Sweep attaches to a sorbent boom to catch oily sheens that linger behind. Sturdy construction features nylon strap securely attached to durable mat.

Primary Usage: Absorbs Oil, Not WATER

Sock/Net Booms Booms can be linked together to contain any size spill on water. Clip together with carbon steel connector hardware.

Primary Usage: Absorbs Oil, Not WATER

PomsPoms Thousand of thin strands of polypropylene are joined together to create this high-surface-area sorbent. Heavy oils adhere, water is repelled.

Primary Usage: Absorbs Oil, Not WATER

Net Bags Ploypropylene strips encased in nylon mesch bag. Used to absorb larger spills on water. Just toss it on the spill. Floats for easy retrieval-even when saturated.

Primary Usage: Absorbs Oil, Not WATER

Oil-Only Particulate Oil-Only Particulate is made of loose polypropylene pulp. Use to absorb oils on the surface of water bodies or on land-based oil spills.

Primary Usage: Absorbs Oil, Not WATER

Gran-Sorb Recycled paper waste soaks up oil, coolants, solvents, water, fuels and anti-freeze. Paper waste is completely safe, non-toxic and non-hazardous. A great alternative to clay.

Primary Usage:
No Respirable Silica                       

Low Dust

Renewable-Resource Based                       
Fire & Wind Resistent